Influencing Factors toward Decision Making of Purchasing Goods and Services over the Internet of Students, Prince of Songkla University, Phuket Campus

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Kitimaporn Choochote
Pattanapong Huadkuan
Chanapat Hnonmai
Kantaphong Khaklai


The purpose of this research is to study of Influencing factors toward decision making of purchasing online goods and services was students, Prince of Songkla University, Phuket Campus. The multi-stage sampling method is used to collect data via questionnaire. The samples consisted of 347 people from three faculties and one department.  The study was used descriptive statistic as basic statistic for describing characteristics of the sample group by using percentage calculation for analyzing samples’ personality, mean calculation for analyzing levels of opinion, and standard deviation calculation for analyzing levels of opinion.

The study found that the majority group of respondents in this research is female studying at Faculty of Hospitality and Tourism in Hospitality Management major and most respondents are newbie. Their monthly income is between 10,001 to 12,000 baht monthly and most of them used Facebook as the social media. They mostly use internet via their computer or communication device in their private and comfort area, their home, or use the mobile internet with their mobile phone/smart phone. Most of them use internet 6 – 8 hours a day, and buy products online less than 2 - 3 times per month. As for behavior, most of people who buy online goods and services on internet buy fashion clothes; most of them also pay 101 to 500 Baht per time, and pay by wire transfer to the seller’s account. In addition, most people buy items via internet because it is accessible to order from the experience of respondents, and the most common problem is the shipping costs.

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How to Cite
Choochote, K., Huadkuan, P., Hnonmai, C., & Khaklai, K. (2017). Influencing Factors toward Decision Making of Purchasing Goods and Services over the Internet of Students, Prince of Songkla University, Phuket Campus. Journal of International Studies, Prince of Songkla University, 7(1), 50–76. Retrieved from
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