Difference in Ethnic and Local Wisdom under Forest Resources Conservation

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Ratchanon Somboonchai
Phanit Nakayan
Porramin Narata


       The objectives of this study were to exploer: 1) geosocial context and environmental; 2) local wisdom in forest resource conservation of an ethnic group in different geosocial conditions; and 3) problems encountered and guidelines for solving the problems. The sample group consisted of local people in Bann Pong community  (local land area), Sansai District, Chiang Mai Province and highland Karen ethnic  group in Mae Tom watershed area, Om-koi Sub district, Om-koi district, Chiang Mai Province. They obtained by a purposive sampling method consisted of community leaders, local scholars and villagers. In-depth interview and observation form were used in data collection and analyzed by using content analysis. The study results revealed that there was the difference in geosocial context and culture between the two groups in this study but no difference in benefit gaining from forest resources. The Karen ethnic group in this study did not seriously practice about their traditional related to supernatural beliefs like in the past due to economic change and they preferred to do monoculture. Meanwhile, the people in Baan Pong community put the importance on social adherence and forest conservation by local wisdom based on community participation. Regarding local wisdom conservation transfer, it was still be a problem since young people moved to big cities for job and educational opportunities. However, the two communities have been finding ways for the rehabilitation of local wisdom transfer and forest resource conservation under participatory management.

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How to Cite
Somboonchai, R., Nakayan, P., & Narata, P. (2021). Difference in Ethnic and Local Wisdom under Forest Resources Conservation. Journal of Humanities & Social Sciences (JHUSOC), 19(2), 91–107. Retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jhusoc/article/view/254352
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