“มนุษยสังคมสาร” ขอประกาศให้ทุกท่านทราบว่าตั้งแต่ฉบับที่ 1 ของปีที่ 20 เป็นต้นไป “มนุษยสังคมสาร” จะพิจารณาคัดเลือกตีพิมพ์เฉพาะบทความที่ครอบคลุมสาขาวิชาหลัก (Main subject Category) คือ Social Sciences เท่านั้น โดยบทความที่จะส่งไปเพื่อตีพิมพ์ในมนุษยสังคมสารนั้นจะต้องอยู่ใน 3 กลุ่มสาขาวิชา (Subject areas) คือ 1) Arts and Humanities, 2) Economics, Econometrics and Finance, 3) Social Sciences และบทความนั้นจะต้องอยู่ใน 5 กลุ่มย่อย (Sub-subject areas) คือ 1) General Arts and Humanities, 2) Language and Linguistics, 3) General Economics, Econometrics and Finance, 4) General Social Sciences, 5) Sociology and Political Sciences
The Thai Journal Citation Index Center (TCI) sent an official letter to the journal editors to ask for cooperation in the selection of a particular journal’s sub-areas stored in the TCI database. Consequently, each journal is allowed to choose 1-5 sub-areas for the articles published in the journal.
Regarding this, the “JHUSOC” would like to make an announcement that from the 20th Volume, 1st Issue (January-April 2022) onward the articles covering the main subject category, Social Sciences, will be accepted for publication. Moreover, these articles must be relevant to the three subject areas i.e. 1) Arts and Humanities, 2) Economics, Econometrics and Finance, and 3) Social Sciences, and they must be about the following five sub-subject areas: 1) General Arts and Humanities, 2) Language and Linguistics, 3) General Economics, Econometrics and Finance, 4) General Social Sciences, and 5) Sociology and Political Sciences.
In addition, the "JHUSOC" would also like to announce to everyone that from
the 20th Volume, 1st Issue onward, the citation format and referencing style of APA (American Psychological Association, 7th edition) will be used in the journal.
The publication fee is 6,000 baht for general authors and 3,500 baht for Buriram Rajabhat University authors. The fees paid will fund the peer review process and journal management. It is noted that a manuscript must be reviewed by at least three experts from various institutions. After passing the preliminary review of the editorial board, the authors are advised to transfer the publication fee to Bangkok Bank, Buriram Rajabhat University Branch, with the account name “Mr.Akkarapon Nuemaihom, Miss Tatiya Tanuanram, Miss Jaralrat Oonram”, and savings account number “677-0-273495”. If the manuscript is rejected or the authors desire to cancel the publication, the publication fee will not be refunded to the authors, as it has already been used to pay the experts and journal management costs. This publication fee rate will become effective commencing with the 3rd Issue of the 21st Year (2023) onwards.