Student Perceptions of Learning Experiences that are Beneficial for Students to Succeed in their Careers in the 21st Century

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Associate Professor Mary


 The purpose of this study was to learn more about student perceptions of teaching and learning based on the 21st century Learning and Innovation Skills: communication, collaboration, critical thinking, and creativity (4Cs) (Partnership for 21st Century Learning, 2011). Learning Skills (The Four C’s) are by far the most popular 21st Century skills. These skills are also called learning skills. More educators know about these skills because they’re universal needs for any career. They also vary in terms of importance, depending on an individual’s career aspirations: Critical thinking; Creativity; Collaboration; and Communication. Student perspective of current teaching and learning approaches in the classroom is an essential component of evaluating the degree to which the needs of learners are being met for success in a global economy and a 21st century world.  Positive perceptions were found from students regarding the importance of all 4Cs for use beyond university (67.80%, 72.40%, 81.50%, 70.60%, respectively). Although over 60% of the participants agreed that each of the 4Cs is an important 21st century skill, there are much less experiences in creating presentations and posting online.  

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How to Cite
Associate Professor Mary. (2020). Student Perceptions of Learning Experiences that are Beneficial for Students to Succeed in their Careers in the 21st Century. มนุษยสังคมสาร (มสส.) คณะมนุษยศาสตร์และสังคมศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยราชภัฏบุรีรัมย์, 18(3), 195–213. สืบค้น จาก


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