Casual Factor Model Affecting Organizational Commitment of Staff Members of Rajabhat Universities in Northeast of Thailand

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Sanyasorn Swasthaisong


The purposes of this research were (1) to analyze the confirmatory factors of
organizational commitment, quality of work life, leadership, and organizational culture of staff
members of northeastern Thailand's Rajabhat universities (NTRU staff) and then verify the
structural equation model; (2) to estimate the sizes of the direct, indirect, and total effects of causal
factors that affect the organizational commitment of the NTRU staff. The samples were 320 staff
members selected by stratified random sampling from all the Rajabhat universities in the Northeast
of Thailand. A questionnaire of five-Likert type rating scales (with IOC =0.80-1.00, discrimination
power (r) = 0.616-1.132, validity co-efficient = 0.880-0.964) was used to collect the data. The
results were as follows: 1)the analysis of confirmatory factors pertaining to organizational
commitment, quality of work life, leadership, and organizational culture of members of staff of
Rajabhat universities in Northeast of Thailand revealed that the loadings of all the latent factors
were statistically significant at the 0.05 level and that the proposed model was fitted with the
empirical data, based on the pertinent indices (χ2 = 224.0742, df = 82, χ2
/df = 2.740, RMSEA =
0.074, CFI = 0.972, TLI = 0.959, SRMR = 0.035); 2) the latent factor directly affecting
organizational commitment was quality of work life; while the latent factors with total effects

included organizational culture, quality of work life, and leadership, respectively, also at the 0.05
statistical significance level. All the factors within the model could explain 44.90 percent of the
variance of the latent variable of organizational commitment.


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How to Cite
Swasthaisong, S. (2019). Casual Factor Model Affecting Organizational Commitment of Staff Members of Rajabhat Universities in Northeast of Thailand. มนุษยสังคมสาร (มสส.) คณะมนุษยศาสตร์และสังคมศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยราชภัฏบุรีรัมย์, 16(3), บทที่ 2 หน้าที่ 35–50. สืบค้น จาก
Author Biography

Sanyasorn Swasthaisong

Assistant Professor Dr.Sanyasorn Swasthaisong
Public Administration Program, Faculty of ManagementSciences
Sakon Nakhon Rajabhat University 680 Nitayo Rd., Muang District,
Sakon Nakhon Province 47000
Fax: 042-970059 Tel.: 042-970028 E-mail:


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