A Competency-Based Framework for Developing Human Resources Related to Design Management and Business Development in the Digital Era
Digital Era, Competency, Business Development, Design CoordinatorAbstract
The research involves the use of both qualitative methodologies to establish a foundation database for curriculum development of interior design and Business Development in the digital era alongside the teaching-training improvement model and also as a study serves as a guide to crafting employee training programs to enhance job skills and capabilities. The objectives of this study are as follows: 1) To explore the knowledge, skills and attributes required for becoming high potential employees of the stated areas; 2) To introduce a curriculum development framework for universities producing graduates in these fields; and 3) To serve as a guide for creating HR training courses. The Delphi Technique of data collection was used to gain insights. In-depth interviews were conducted with 5 experts while surveys were carried out among 17 respondents, precisely the entrepreneurs, project coordinators, and interior design specialists. A competency was analyzed on Rating Scale by considering the Median (Mdn) and Interquartile Range (IQR) to consider the level of consistency of the variables. As results, the knowledge skills and attributes required for digital-era Interior Design Coordinators include 3 primary domains: Knowledge, comprising 31 sub-competencies; Skills, with 34 sub-competencies; and Personal Attributes, with 23 sub-competencies. The design and curriculum development for producing graduates with these competencies should be consistent with the Thai Qualification Framework for Higher Education. The 3 key competencies alongside their 88 sub-competencies should be integrated across programs, such as general education courses, specialized courses, non-specific elective courses as well as the cooperative education programs. As a guide for organizing training programs, a competency-based assessment of the comprehensive set of 88 sub-competencies should be carried out to identify the specific competencies required for training. These components are promote lifelong learning or informal learning opportunities, which would contribute to long-term career growth and continuous improvement.
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