The loyalty for service recipients of spa and Thai massage entrepreneur to gain competitive advantage in business
Customer Loyalty, Spa and Thai Massage Entrepreneur, Competitive AdvantageAbstract
This academic article aims to present knowledge about creating customer loyalty in the spa and Thai massage service business to use as a guideline for creating competitive advantage, growth, increasing income, reducing business competitors, maintaining the existing customer base and adding new customers, and the survival of the business in a situation of high competition, which has the principle of creating customer loyalty to lead to success in
the business. The content covers customer loyalty and consists of important principles for creating customer loyalty: 1) Cognitive loyalty focuses on loyalty related to beliefs about popular brands with the general public. 2) Affective loyalty focuses on loyalty, which reflects a good attitude or preference resulting from satisfaction. 3) Conative loyalty focuses on loyalty that causes the development of behavior, and 4) Action loyalty focuses on loyalty, which involves turning intention into action along with willingness. Investigating loyalty in each business area should emphasize the context and adjust it to be consistent and balanced with objectives and missions to conduct business under competition and grow steadily and sustainably.
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