The Market Growth of Light Electric Vehicles (EVs) in Thailand Situation Projection from 2024 to 2031


  • Jirayut Monjagapate The University of the Thai Chamber of Commerce.
  • Soraphong Smitintu Chulalongkorn University.


EV market, OEMs, Forecasting


This study explores the forecast and dynamics of Thailand's electric vehicle (EV) market from 2024 to 2031, focusing on methodologies involving confidential data and qualitative interviews with automotive sector stakeholders. The research highlights insights into EV production trends, and market dynamics. The production is expected to rise from 25,000 in 2024 to 197,000 in 2031. The largest production forecast belongs to Chinese OEMs. Discussions also address from interviews about the potential for a price war among manufacturers, impacting market strategies and supply chains. Also, the study mentions the role of competitive pricing in influencing EV adoption rates and market outcomes. Despite the promising growth projections, the findings underscore the need for adaptive strategies by stakeholders to navigate challenges and capitalize on emerging opportunities in Thailand's evolving EV market scope.


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How to Cite

Monjagapate, J., & Smitintu, S. (2024). The Market Growth of Light Electric Vehicles (EVs) in Thailand Situation Projection from 2024 to 2031. Journal of Industrial Business Administration, 6(2), 167–180. retrieved from



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