The effect of accounting practitioner development on readiness to work in the new government fiscal management information system (New GFMIS Thai) of central government agency personnel
Accounting practitioner development, , Readiness to work, New GFMIS ThaiAbstract
This research aimed to 1) study the level of development of accounting practitioner in central government agencies that affects their readiness to work in Government Fiscal Management Information (New GFMIS Thai), 2) study the level of readiness to work in the New GFMIS Thai of accounting practitioner of central government agencies, and 3) study the effect of accounting practitioner development on readiness to work in the New GFMIS Thai of central government agency personnel. Data were collected via questionnaire from a total of 385 samples. Samples were accounting personnel of central government agencies. Data were analyzed with descriptive statistics, frequencies, percentages, means, and standard deviations. Research hypotheses were tested with multiple regression. The research results found that 1. The respondents work in an organization that has a good level of accounting practitioner development, 2. The respondents have a good level in readiness to work in the New GFMIS Thai, and 3. Accounting practitioner development in all aspects, namely ecosystem, skillsets, mindset and knowledge affect their readiness to work in the New GFMIS Thai at statistical level of 0.05. The research results lead to the development of guidelines for developing accounting practitioner in central government agencies to be ready and able to perform their duties efficiently.
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