Attitudes and Education Commitment of Students Participating in the Startup Thailand League Program
Educational Attitudes and Commitment, Startup Program Entrepreneurship, InnovationAbstract
This research aimed to 1) examine the attitudes and commitment levels of students participating in the Startup Thailand League program towards entrepreneurship, 2) assess their level of educational commitment, and 3) compare students' attitudes and educational commitment based on personal factors, including gender, education level, educational institution affiliation, institution location, and experience in program participation. The sample consisted of 181 students who participated in the Startup Thailand League program. The research instrument was a questionnaire. The instruments used were questionnaires on personal data, attitudes and commitment towards entrepreneurship, and comparison of differences in attitudes and commitment. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, t-test, and ANOVA. Data collection was conducted by the researcher. The findings revealed that 1) students had high levels of attitudes and commitment towards entrepreneurship has an average of 4.25, perceiving that participation in the program increased their chances of success in starting a business and planning to apply the knowledge gained in the future; 2) students demonstrated a high level of educational commitment has an average of 4.42, recognizing the importance of learning, being motivated to develop skills, and being ready to apply knowledge to create innovation; 3) female students exhibited significantly higher levels of commitment, dedication, and creativity compared to male students. Education level did not significantly affect differences in attitudes. Students who had participated in the program more than twice showed significantly higher positive attitudes than other groups, particularly in terms of enthusiasm, commitment, and self-development planning. The type and location of educational institutions did not significantly influence students' attitudes and commitment levels of students at the .05 level.
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