The Causal Relationship Path Analysis of Operating Segments Profitability and All Operating Profitability Influencing Stock Price of Listed Companies in The Stock Exchange of Thailand
Operating Segments, Stock Price, ProfitabilityAbstract
The purpose of this paper was to 1) the testify harmoniousness of structural relation model of the causal relationship of operating segments profitability and all operating profitability and stock price with empirical data. 2) To analyse direct, indirect and total influence of independence and dependence variables. This research uses financial statements data of 1,137 samples (379 firms multiplied by 3 years) from listed companies in The Stock Exchange of Thailand from, 2017 to 2023 and data were analysed by descriptive and inferential statistics. This research found that: the causal relationship of operating segments profitability and all operating profitability and stock price is relevant to empirical data at “a good level” and stock price have a positive direct influence from operating segments profitability more than all operating profitability statistically significant at the 0.01 level. In addition, stock price has a positive indirect influence from operating segments profitability by all operating profitability as a partial mediator. This research result shows that: value relevance of accounting information was presented in notes to financial statement can determine and predict with stock price statistically significant. Therefore, Investors should be important on consideration information was presented in notes to financial statement coupled with information was overview presented before an investment decision.
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