Trends on Consumer Behavior and Future Technological innovations


  • Kritsana Lakkhongkha School of Interdisciplinary Technology and Innovation Sripatum University


Consumer Behavior Trends, Consumer Behavior, Future Technology, Metaverse


Changing consumer behavior awareness. The most important thing is the age factor because it represents the age of the individual consumer and affects the mindset. Experience, belief, interests. Attitudes and behaviors followed the advancement of technology that led to the digital transformation, creating the idea of dividing consumers in the digital age into two groups: 1) digital natives and 2) digital immigrants. This trend of consumer behavior is also associated with character, lifestyle, and everyday activities, and with the advancement of technology playing a role in consumer behavior. Linking with technology with 5G as a harmonizer creates comfortable amenities including Internet technology, artificial intelligence (AI), virtual reality (VR) technology, and augmented reality (AR) technology all affect consumer behavior. Therefore, nowadays, not only are various technologies developed quickly. Combining all technologies with internet speeds in the future can create a virtual world community, or Metaverse, which will be an innovation that creates and integrates a real-world environment that can enter the virtual world. The objects around you and environment can be connected seamlessly.




How to Cite

Lakkhongkha, K. . (2022). Trends on Consumer Behavior and Future Technological innovations. Journal of Industrial Business Administration, 4(2), 80–88. retrieved from



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