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Jamnean Joungtrakul
Phana Dullayaphut
Sanon Anantanand
Laddawan Someran


This academic article aimed to present principles of research ethics and ethical protocols for protecting the privacy of participants in qualitative research. A non-systematic literature review method was applied in this study. A review of related literature was conducted, and data extraction was performed and utilized as the basis for composing this article. The scope of this study comprised: (1) an Introduction to provide background, objectives, and the scope of the study; (2) a literature review which covered the characteristics of qualitative research, the principles of research ethics, privacy as a component of research ethics principles, and ethical protocols to protect the privacy of participants; (3) a conclusion; (4) new findings from the study; and (5) recommendations. The results were synthesized based on three ethical principles: respect for persons, which emphasized allowing research participants to make their own decisions and ensuring the confidentiality of their information; beneficence, which focused on minimizing risks and maximizing benefits; and justice, which considered the fair distribution of burdens and benefits. The authors synthesized the results of this study by proposing a model for protecting the privacy of qualitative research participants. This model could be used by researchers, especially novice researchers and those who have shifted their paradigm from quantitative to qualitative research.


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Joungtrakul, J., Dullayaphut, P., Anantanand, S., & Someran, L. (2025). RESEARCH ETHICS : PROTECTING PRIVACY OF PARTICIPANTS IN QUALITATIVE RESEARCH. Journal of Humanities, Social Sciences, and Arts, 7(1), 91–105. retrieved from


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