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Jamnean Joungtrakul
Thipphawan Duangvilaykeo
Laddawan Someran


        This academic article aimed at presenting guidelines for developing interview questions to be used in qualitative research to gain the appropriate quality data to achieve the objective of quality and trustworthy qualitative research results. A non-systematic literature review was applied in this study. A review of related literature was conducted and data extraction was performed and used as a basis for composing this article. The scope of the content of this article comprised: (1) Introduction to introduce the background and significance of the topic to be studied including the objective, method, and scope of the study; (2) literature review on definition, major components, types, techniques, and natures of the interview including data collection tools and questions to be asked in conducting interview in qualitative research; (3) conclusion; (4) new findings from the study; and (5) recommendations. The authors proposed a model of the process for developing questions for qualitative interviews that could be applied by qualitative researchers especially those who are novice researchers or shifted their paradigm to become qualitative researchers.


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Joungtrakul, J., Duangvilaykeo, T., & Someran, L. (2024). INTERVIEW QUESTIONS IN QUALITATIVE RESEARCH: GUIDANCE FOR NOVICE RESEARCHERS. Journal of Humanities, Social Sciences, and Arts, 6(2), 120–141. Retrieved from


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