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Oudalon Bounthavong
Vatthana Phuangsavath
Vatsana Sisavat
Khanthaly Mixaykone


The objective of this research was to investigate problems of using English for communication among the vendors at Luang Prabang night market, Lao PDR. The researcher used the questionnaire to collect data from the participants, with a total of 224 people (Vendor Statistics, 2022). However, the sample size was 150. There were 90 females and 60 males. The sample group was chosen by using the convenience sampling technique. The research findings indicated that participants encountered problems related to listening comprehension as the main problem with the highest mean score (M = 3.88) and standard deviation (SD = 0.82), followed by grammar usage   (M = 3.78, SD = 0.88), pronunciation (M = 3.78, SD = 0.72), vocabulary (M = 3.73, SD = 0.76), lack of self-confidence (M = 3.71, SD = 0.77), and problems related to fluency (M = 3.71, SD = 0.95). However, based on the mean score, it was clearly shown that they did not understand English language intonation, were afraid of making mistakes, and had problems with grammar usage. Thus, they were limited in utilizing vocabulary due to low memories and misunderstandings of new vocabulary. Similarly, they faced problems with a lack of self-confidence and pronunciation because most of them did not practice speaking and listening activities.

In conclusion, most of the problems encountered by the vendors in using English speaking skills for communication were related to listening comprehension, which was the main problem, followed by grammar usage, vocabulary, a lack of self-confidence, fluency, and pronunciation.


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How to Cite
Bounthavong, O. ., Phuangsavath, V. ., Sisavat, V. ., & Mixaykone, K. . (2024). PROMBLEMS IN USING ENGLISH SPEAKING FOR COMMUNICATION OF THE VENDORS AT LUANG PRABANG NIGHT MARKET LAO PDR. Journal of Humanities, Social Sciences, and Arts, 5(2), 39–58. retrieved from
Research Article


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