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Siwasek Promwatthana
Kanittha Rungwannasak


This research aimed to 1) study the legend of Usa- Baros as an inspiration for designing batik patterns, 2) design batik patterns based on the Usa-Baros legend, 3) design street-style clothing designs featuring these patterns, and 4) evaluate the satisfaction of a prototype clothing collection based on the Usa-Baros legend using batik techniques. Data was collected through interviews with three experts: one in the Usa-Baros legend, one in design, and one in batik production, to gather insights into the design process and a satisfaction assessment from 100 tourists regarding the prototype.

From the research, it was found that 1) the legend of Usa-Baros was a tragic love story of young lovers who were unfulfilled, connected to the tourist site of Phu Pha Bat Historical Park in Udon Thani Province. 2) The design of batik fabric patterns based on the Usa-Baros legend could be summarized into six important episodes: the birth of Nang Usa, Nang Usa playing in the water, the swan boat ceremony, Tao Baras riding a horse, the love encounter between Tao Baras and Nang Usa, and the wedding. The patterns used for communication come from prehistoric painted designs at Phu Pha Bat, including horse patterns, swan patterns, fish patterns, as well as various scratch designs, travel maps, lotus flowers, and the story of Nang Usa told in a street-style painting format. 3) Six outfits were designed to represent the Usa-Baros legend in all six episodes for gentlemen and ladies aged 25-35 years. 4) The evaluation of satisfaction regarding the Usa-Baros legend patterns was at a very good level (average = 4.62). The design of outfit 1 was at a good level (average = 4.49), the design of outfit 2 was at a very good level (average = 4.96), the design of outfit 3 was at a very good level (average = 4.54), the design of outfit 4 was at a very good level (average = 4.51), the design of outfit 5 was at a good level (average = 4.46), and the suitability of the design for outfit 6 was at a very good level (average = 4.51).


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How to Cite
Promwatthana, S., & Rungwannasak, K. (2024). THE DESIGN BATIK PATTERN INSPIRA BY USA-BAROS LEGEND FOR COSTUME DESIGN COLLECTION. Journal of Humanities, Social Sciences, and Arts, 6(2), 60–79. Retrieved from
Research Article


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