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Sanya Kenaphoom


        Public policy advocacy and policymaking are essential components of the democratic governance process. It plays an important role in determining the direction and impact of government actions. The relationship lies in acknowledging the interests of diverse stakeholders and the need to make informed decisions. Policy formulation involves determining implementation and evaluating policies to solve social problems. Thus, this article aims to explore the intricate interplay between public policy advocacy and the policymaking process. This comprehensive review delves into the historical evolution of advocacy practices, examining key principles, frameworks, and challenges within both public and private management. By providing insights into the evolving dynamics of advocacy, including the impacts of digital transformation, global collaborations, and data-driven decision-making, the article aims to shed light on the transformative trends shaping the advocacy landscape. The nexus between advocacy and policymaking is analyzed, emphasizing the need for inclusive, participatory approaches and the implications for policymakers, advocates, and scholars. The overarching goal is to navigate this complex nexus, offering a roadmap for future research, practical applications, and collaborative efforts to enhance the effectiveness and responsiveness of policymaking processes.


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Kenaphoom, S. (2024). NAVIGATING THE NEXUS: A COMPREHENSIVE REVIEW OF THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN PUBLIC POLICY ADVOCACY AND PUBLIC POLICY MAKING. Journal of Humanities, Social Sciences, and Arts, 6(2), 80–119. Retrieved from


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