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Sanya Kenaphoom
Watcharaporn Jantanukul


Cooperative work in public services is marked as a paradigm shift towards a more comprehensive, flexible, and effective governance model. Awareness of the interconnected nature of social challenges, coupled with the limitations of traditional hierarchical structures, has stimulated the adoption of collaborative approaches to foster shared problem-solving and innovation. This article aims to critically explore the foundational concepts and practical implications of public-private collaboration initiatives in public service delivery. The study found that the models of collaboration between the public and private sectors include Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs), Outsourcing, Joint Ventures, Build-Operate-Transfer (BOT) schemes, Arrangements, Concession Agreements, Service Contracting, Management Contracts, Strategic Alliances and Partnerships, Performance-Based Contracts, and Community Engagement and Social Impact Partnerships. However, collaboration between the public and private sectors has both social and economic impacts. Social impacts indicate changes in the societal structure, including factors such as community well-being, relationships, and overall quality of life. Economic impacts pinpoint changes in finance, productivity, and market dynamics as a result of collaborative efforts. Additionally, the impacts on stakeholders highlight the importance of participation and the benefits for various parties, including government agencies, businesses, and the public.


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How to Cite
Kenaphoom, S., & Jantanukul, W. . (2024). COLLABORATIVE PUBLIC-PRIVATE PARTNERSHIPS IN PUBLIC SERVICE MANAGEMENT. Journal of Humanities, Social Sciences, and Arts, 6(1), 64–89. retrieved from


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