Thai political on online media: The language expressing the viewpoint

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ฐิติมา กลอกกระโทก
นิธิพร สงสูงเนิน
กนกกาญจน์ วรสีหะ
จิรัฐิพร ไทยงูเหลือม


The study of Thai political viewpoints on online media: Twitter from February to June 2020. At present, online media is easy and rapid to access for people. Twitter is a way on online media that is considerably popular to use due to the working function and the freedom of viewpoint expression. The purpose of this study was to study the political viewpoints on online media from February to June 2020. The elements of the viewpoint of Wichuda Janwerad under the conceptual framework have 3 parts that are a part of sense and logic, a part of the feeling, and a part of behavior. The researchers collected data by recording the viewpoints of Twitter users through 11 political hashtags and 208 Tweets then analyzed according to the conceptual framework. 

            The study result revealed that the language use for viewpoint expression will find the words that refer to the elements of viewpoint. The part that could be seen mostly is a part of feeling to express the viewpoint. The strategy of language use for hashtags naming is popular used more direct meaning than indirect meaning.

            The context that is mostly mentioned from viewpoint expression is a person or
a group of people. It refers to the trendy person or the group of people at that moment.


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กลอกกระโทก ฐ. ., สงสูงเนิน น., วรสีหะ ก. ., & ไทยงูเหลือม จ. . (2022). Thai political on online media: The language expressing the viewpoint. Journal of Humanities, Social Sciences, and Arts, 2(2), 39–49. retrieved from
Research Article