The Biography and Dedication of Dharmaratna in the Gaoseng zhuan: the Foreign Monk in the Han Dynasty
ชีวประวัติและคุณูปการของพระธรรมรัตนะในคัมภีร์เกาเซิงจ้วนแปล : พระภิกษุชาวต่างชาติยุคราชวงศ์ฮั่น
Gao sengzhuan, Dharmaratna , foreign monk , Han DynastyAbstract
This article aims to 1) present the Thai translation of the biography of Dharma-ratna (竺法蘭) in the Gaoseng zhuan Scripture (高僧傳); 2) examine the historical events, the five translated Buddhist scriptures, and a Buddha image related to the biography of Dharmaratna; 3) analyze the contributions Dharmaratna made to Chinese Buddhism. Qualitative methods, hermeneutics and content analysis are the three methods used for this research. Scope of the Research based on Chinese historical-biographical works such as the Gaoseng zhuan, the Hou Han Shu (Book of the Later Han), the Shou Shen Ji, the Wei Shu (Book of Wei). The various related pieces of research would be used to examine the text.
The results showed that the Gaosheng zhuan is the only text that recorded the life of Dharmaratna in detail. Dharmaratna’s biography is related to the two crucial historical events in the Han dynasty: the Rebellion and the moving of the capital into Chang’an; and the construction of Kunming Lake. According to the records of Hui Jiao, the author of the Gaoseng zhuan Scriptures, it is known that important translation scriptures, which are considered early Buddhist scriptures and paintings of Buddha images that have been brought back with the emissaries of Emperor Han Ming, had been lost since before the Eastern dynasty (316-439 AD.). Moreover, Dharmaratna devoted himself to propagate Buddhism in China, especially in the mission of Chinese translation of Buddhist texts, which was important to the establishment of Buddhism in China for thousands of years.
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