Semantic Interpretations of Passive Constructions in Business News Articles


  • Abhinan Wongkittiporn English Language Department College of Liberal Arts, Rangsit University, Thailand


Passive constructions, semantic interpretations, business news articles


Passive constructions in this study refer to basic passive (i.e., the business is now run by the former boss of the Good Guys). While previous studies paid attention to the study of passive constructions in research article and academic textbooks. This study contributed to the view of business news articles from The New York Times, The Australian, and The Times of London. Approximately 150,000 words, comprising 50,000 words from each dataset, provide a total of 515 tokens of passive constructions. The semantic interpretations in this study follows Bielak, Pawlak & Mystkowska-Wiertelak’s (2013) framework. The results of semantic interpretation in passive constructions in this study are used to denote project developments, employment, advertising, sales, financial interpretations and authority. This current study will be useful for learner of English as a Second Language and learners (ESL) of English as a Foreign Language (EFL)


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How to Cite

Wongkittiporn, A. (2022). Semantic Interpretations of Passive Constructions in Business News Articles. JOURNAL OF LANGUAGE, RELIGION AND CULTURE, 11(2), 1–29. retrieved from


