A Study of Japanese Collocation by Japanese Major Students in Southern Thailand



  • นิเย๊าะ จาหลง สาขาวิชาภาษาญี่ปุ่น คณะมนุษยศาสตร์และสังคมศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยสงขลานครินทร์ วิทยาเขตปัตตานี


collocation, corpus, Japanese Major students, verbs with multiple meanings


     This study aims to investigate the use of Japanese collocations by Japanese major students in Southern Thailand to address problems during the application.  Purposive sampling was used to select a total of 108 3rd - 5th years Japanese Major students from two universities in Southern Thailand including Prince of Songkla University, Pattani Campus and Thaksin University in Songkhla Province. To collect data, I devised a test of basic collocation uses in the forms of noun and verb (N+を+V) chosen from two textbooks – Minna no Nihongo and Genki.

     The following are the study’s conclusions. First, over 80 percent of the participants correctly wrote the following verb-noun combinations:「薬を飲む」 (to take medicine),「シャワーを浴びる」 (to take a bath),「歌を歌う」(to sing a song) , and「写真を撮る」(to take a photo).  Second, to answer questions regarding verbs, more than 80 percent of the participants chose the correct words including「 着物を着る」(to wear a Kimono),「夢を見る」(to dream)「絵を描く」(to draw)「帽子をかぶる」and (to wear a hat). Third, to complete verb-noun combinations with multiple meanings, over 80 percent of the participants chose the correct answers including「スポーツをする 」(to do sports),「デートをする」(to go on a date),「買い物をする」 (to buy something),「ギターをひく」(to play the guitar), and「エアコンをつける 」(to turn on an air conditioner).

     While using listed collocations, participants were faced with the following challenges.  First of all, they were hesitant to pick a verb with multiple meanings such as「ひく」「する」「つく」. Second, some collocations have similar meanings to Thai words such as「ごみを出す」/「ごみを捨てる」(to take out the trash), and「熱を出す」/「熱がある」(to have a fever).  Third, participants were not confident in using verb collocations such as「パーマをかける 」/「パーマをする 」(to perm one’s hair), and「コピーをとる」/「コピーをする 」(to make a photocopy). 

     Correspondingly, I have made some recommendations on the Japanese collocation teaching approach that would be applicable to Thai learners.


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How to Cite

จาหลง . น. (2021). A Study of Japanese Collocation by Japanese Major Students in Southern Thailand: การศึกษาการใช้คำปรากฏร่วมของนักศึกษาสาขาวิชาภาษาญี่ปุ่นในภาคใต้. JOURNAL OF LANGUAGE, RELIGION AND CULTURE, 10(2), 139–173. retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/gshskku/article/view/252509


