Zheng He: The Construction of Collective Memory of Zheng He in Zheng He Park in Jinning District, Kunming, Yunnan Province of China
เจิ้งเหอ: การสร้างความทรงจำร่วมในสวนสาธารณะตำบลจิ้นหนิง มณฑลยูนนาน ประเทศจีน
Zheng He, construction of collective memory, Zheng He Park, Yunnan ProvinceAbstract
This article focused on the study of the construction of collective memory of Zheng He by analyzing through Zheng He Park in Jinning District, Kunming, Yunnan Province of China. Historical research methodology was employed. Various types of Chinese documents such as the chronicles and theses were studied together with field research. It was found that Zheng He Park, Jinning District, Kunming, Yunnan Province was Zheng He’s hometown and where his father was buried. Thus, it is an important place for constructing collective memory of Zheng He. The government and local people have constructed collective memory together through Zheng He Statue, Zheng He Cultural Relic Hall, carving pictures related to Zheng He on the walls, poetry and so on. The memories of virtue, travel ability and knowledge of Zheng He have been inscribed to construct collective memory of Zheng He as a marine explorer hero, local hero and great hero of China.
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