Halal Spa on Research and Development: Cultural Health in Southern Thailand
การวิจัยและพัฒนาสปาฮาลาล: วัฒนธรรมสุขภาพในพื้นที่ภาคใต้ของประเทศไทย
Halal spa, Spa business, Cultural healthAbstract
The objectives of this research were as follows: 1) The elements of expectations of the Thai-Muslims about the Halal spa service were explored. The sample group consisted of 400 Thai Islamic people in 5 southern border provinces. The valid and reliable questionnaire was developed from the relative theories and researches, then researchers used it to collect the data from spa clients. The data were analyzed by percentage, mean, standard deviation, and exploratory factor analysis. 2) The quality of the Halal spa manual which was linked to the early research results was examined and developed. The manual contents were assessed by seven experts in three aspects, namely, the validity of the contents, conformity with Islamic principles, and utility. Index of congruence was analyzed in each criterion. 3) Training and assessment for the results of training and applying knowledge after training was done. There were 51 people from 48 communities participating as the target group. After six months, the researchers followed up by applying knowledge and skills for professional development. The data were analyzed using frequency, percentage, mean and standard deviation.
The results of spa clients' expectations were classified into five components, with the highest expectations in staff service components. Moreover, the Halal spa manual met all aspects of content validity, Islamic regulations, and usefulness. Afterwards, it was found that spa providers in district health promotion hospitals, and community enterprise groups had a high level of satisfaction towards the Halal spa training. Finally, after six months of training to apply knowledge, it was found that the trainees were able to apply the knowledge in the workplace and earned 80.43 percent of extra income.
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