
A Componential Analysis of Hand-Related Verbs in Chinese


  • เบญญาทิพย์ ศุภะกะลิน Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences


Hand-related verbs, Chinese, Componential analysis, Semantic field


The main purpose of this study is twofold: to examine the dimension of the contrast of hand-related verbs in Chinese and to define the semantic features of hand-related verbs in Chinese. The selected verbs are selected from the New Chinese Proficiency Test Word (2012 revision) and the Dictionary of Chinese Verbs Usage. Then use componential analysis to find similarities and differences of 1) verbs of movement of objects by hand 2) verbs showing the change of the object by hand. Results reveal that the dimension of contrast can be used to determine the differences in every semantic field as follows. First, verbs that cause movement by hand include 1) direction, 2) tools, 3) force, 4) object destination, and 5) number of hands, and objects affected by verbs include 1) size, 2) weight, and 3) life. Second, verbs showing the change of the object by hand include 1) direction, 2) tools, 3) force, and 4) number of hands; and objects affected by verbs include 1) the nature of the object and 2) result of action. Furthermore, there are more dimensions of contrast in some semantic fields that can determine the differences of verbs more clearly.


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How to Cite

ศุภะกะลิน เ. (2020). การวิเคราะห์องค์ประกอบทางความหมายของคำกริยาที่ใช้มือกระทำในภาษาจีน: A Componential Analysis of Hand-Related Verbs in Chinese. JOURNAL OF LANGUAGE, RELIGION AND CULTURE, 9(2), 26–52. retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/gshskku/article/view/246357


