An analysis of obstacle issues in laws and regulations on Thailand’s Para rubber industry and development of guideline solutions


  • Atchara Jansena Faculty of Law Prince of Songkla University


Thai Rubber System, Comprehensive Rubber Management, Rubber Authority of Thailand, Rubber Cooperatives, Rubber Tappers, Laws on Rubber



            This study aimed to offer guidelines for the amendments of laws, rules, regulations, and policies related to the rubber system of Thailand in solving causes emerged from 1. the loose enforcement of the Rubber Control Act BE 2542 (1999), 2. the Rubber Authority of Thailand’s inept management under the Rubber Authority of Thailand Act BE 2558 (2015) caused by poor internal flexibility for the agency established from a merger of multiple sub-units, and 3. other laws and acts obstructing rubber industry’s support. The constructed guidelines included 1. the Minister of Agriculture and Cooperatives assuming the position of the Committee Chairman of the Rubber Authority of Thailand following the legal authority granted by the Rubber Authority of Thailand Act for enhanced administrative unity, 2. the Rubber Authority of Thailand taking direct supervision over rubber registration agencies for cooperatives, 3. state- and agency-led regulatory structures in cooperation with the Rubber Authority of Thailand urgently requiring revisions, 4. rubber tappers receiving systematic training based on rubber farmer types, and 5. laws related to management of rubber development funds requiring revisions for enhanced administrative flexibility and problem-solving for farmers who grow rubber on lands without legal ownership or possession rights.

Author Biography

Atchara Jansena, Faculty of Law Prince of Songkla University

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How to Cite

Jansena, A. (2021). An analysis of obstacle issues in laws and regulations on Thailand’s Para rubber industry and development of guideline solutions. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Prince of Songkla University, 16(2), 139–170. retrieved from



Research Article