Journal Information
About the Journal
Aims and Scope
Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Prince of Songkla University ISSN 3027-6225 (Online)
The journal aims to:
- To promote and support academic staff, scholars, researchers, and students in the field of humanities and social sciences by providing opportunities to present and disseminate academic works widely.
- To develop knowledge in the fields of humanities and social sciences, especially in the form of academic articles, research articles, and book reviews that meet the quality standards set by the journal.
- To utilize the knowledge gained from academic articles, research articles, and book reviews for the benefit of both teaching and learning, and for the development of communities to improve their well-being.
Publication Charge
There are no charges in connection with submitting and publishing an article in the Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Prince of Songkla University
Peer Review Process
The papers submitted must be original and have never been published before in any journal. Upon submission, papers will be screened by the editorial board to determine whether they are in line with the journal’s scope before undergoing a peer-review process. This process involves at least three specialized reviewers in the research field who will review the paper through the double-blind review system. The peer review process is shown in the diagram below.
Publication Frequency
The journal publishes two issues per year: Top of Form
No. 1: January to June
No. 2: July to December
Each issue includes at least six articles.
Open Access Policy
This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle of making research freely accessible to the public.
Revenue Sources
Research Fund Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences