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This research aimed (1) to study the process of integrating mathematical literacy with Ayutthaya World Heritage learning for elementary school students, and (2) to examine approaches for integrating mathematical literacy with Ayutthaya World Heritage learning. This qualitative study used in-depth interviews with 10 key informants, including 5 experts in educational management and mathematical literacy, and 5 experts in Ayutthaya history and World Heritage. The research instrument was a semi-structured interview, and data were analyzed using content analysis.
The findings showed that (1) the process of integrating mathematical literacy with Ayutthaya World Heritage learning for elementary school students operates at three levels. First, the educational district level plays a role as an intermediary, adapting policies to the local context. Second, the school level plays a role in designing integrated learning units. Finally, the classroom level designs learning activities that integrate mathematics with Ayutthaya World Heritage. The findings also showed that (2) the approaches to integrating mathematical literacy with Ayutthaya World Heritage learning for elementary students can be implemented across four key dimensions, comprising 1) content integration, which combines mathematical literacy with Ayutthaya World Heritage, focusing on mathematical process skills as the core, 2) contextual integration, which uses the environment and context of Ayutthaya World Heritage as the foundation for organizing learning to develop mathematical literacy, helping students see connections between mathematics and the real world, 3) methodological integration, which uses proactive teaching techniques that combine mathematics and historical learning, promoting analytical thinking and problem-solving skills, and 4) practical integration, which involves activities and projects that enable students to engage in hands-on learning by integrating mathematical literacy with Ayutthaya World Heritage.
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