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Kualtida Thungkanai
Duangjai Seekheio
Sumalee Chuachai


This article aimed to study: 1) the development of elements and indicators of design capability in learning management for students majoring in Elementary Education, and 2) to assess the appropriateness of the components and indicators of the ability to design learning management for students majoring in Elementary Education. This research was a qualitative study. The target group for the research consisted of 7 participants, obtained through specific selection, including educators with Doctor of Philosophy degrees in Curriculum and Instruction (5 people) with work experience of not less than 5 years, and teachers teaching at the Elementary level and instructing students in the field of Elementary Education (2 people), who graduated with qualifications and have teaching experience of not less than 5 years. The research instruments were: 1) a semi-structured interview, and 2) an assessment of the appropriateness and consistency of the learning design abilities of students majoring in Elementary Education. Data were analyzed by content analysis.

The results of the research revealed that: 1. The components and indicators for the ability to design learning management for students majoring in Elementary Education consisted of 5 elements and 23 indicators as follows: (1) components for determining content had 3 indicators, (2) Components for determining learning objectives had 3 indicators, (3) Components for selecting and specifying learning activities included 7 indicators, (4) Components for selecting teaching media contained 5 indicators, and (5) Components for determining measurement and evaluation guidelines comprised 5 indicators. (2) The components and indicators for learning management design ability of students majoring in Elementary Education are assessed as highly appropriate, and the elements and indicators are consistent with each other.

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How to Cite
Thungkanai, K., Seekheio , D. ., & Chuachai, S. . (2025). DEVELOPMENT OF FACTORS AND INDICATORS OF LEARNING MANAGEMENT DESIGN ABILITY FOR ELEMENTARY EDUCATION STUDENT TEACHERS. Journal of Liberal Art of Rajamangala University of Technology Suvarnabhumi, 7(1), 28–41. retrieved from
Research Articles


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