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Khotchasak Maharom
Nitirat Maleewat


Bubble milk tea is a popular drink originally from Taiwan. This beloved beverage has become widely popular in Thailand. Nowadays, bubble milk tea shops can be found almost everywhere, whether in big cities or even small towns in rural areas. However, there are various types of bubble milk tea, some of which are very affordable, while others are as expensive as premium coffee brands. This research employed structural equation modeling (SEM) to analyze the relationships among key factors contributing to the success of the bubble milk tea business, namely price awareness, customer attitude, customer experience, purchasing intention, and buying behavior. A sample group in this study was 546 bubble milk tea customers in Bangkok who agreed to answer the questionnaire. A purposive sampling method was applied to select and screen respondents. The results showed that price awareness and customer experience significantly influenced both purchasing intention and buying behavior. Customer attitude also affected purchasing intention and buying behavior in the lower level. Finally, this study suggests that business owners enhance their price awareness strategies and offer richer experiences to customers, while also fostering a positive customer attitude toward the brand, as this can create greater opportunities for long-term success.

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How to Cite
Maharom, K., & Maleewat, N. (2025). FACTORS INFLUENCING THE PURCHASE INTENTION OF THE BUBBLE MILK TEA CUSTOMERS IN BANGKOK, THAILAND. Journal of Liberal Art of Rajamangala University of Technology Suvarnabhumi, 7(1), 145–157. retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/art/article/view/280053
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