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This research aimed to: 1) investigate the chemical and physical composition of raw banana powder and the utilization of phenolic compounds from banana peels; 2) enhance raw banana powder products, soap, and serum containing phenolic compounds; and 3) develop a marketing strategy for banana powder, soap, and serum products using a mixed-methods research approach. Data were collected through interviews with a targeted sample of 9 participants, laboratory sensory testing with 30 volunteers, and focus group discussions with 6 experts. Statistical analysis was conducted by using percentages, DMRT for comparison of differences, and inductive analysis to summarize findings. 1) Chemical Composition: Both raw banana powder exhibited similar chemical compositions, with carbohydrates as the main component, followed by protein, and low-fat content. The physical properties indicated that the raw banana powder was a dry, non-clumping powder with a natural color and odor. 2) Product Development: New products such as raw banana powder, soap, and skin serum derived from banana peels were developed. Additionally, two community enterprises were upgraded to meet GAP standards, and one enterprise achieved trademark registration. Sensory testing results of three flavored banana powder drinks showed moderate overall preference, with an average score of 6.25 and an SD of ± 0.07. 3) Market Strategy Development: Experts endorsed an average of 79.17% agreement on the use of eight marketing strategies for product development, including: 1) product, 2) price, 3) distribution, 4) promotion, 5) packaging, 6) personnel, 7) public relations, and 8) incentives.
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