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Jaroongkait Pootirat
, Phramaha Bunlerd Chauythanee
Phramaha Prakasit Thitipasitthikorn


The objectives of this article were 1) to analyze Thai and foreign policies and measures that affect food security in Thailand, 2) to study civil society movements in their struggle regarding food security, and 3) to analyze future scenarios regarding food security issues across various dimensions of government policy. This research is based on a qualitative policy research methodology, incorporating documentary research, focus group discussion, and scenariobuilding/visualization. The contents thereof are then analyzed and presented descriptively. The results of this research are as follows:

1) Thailand’s policies and measures, as well as those evolving internationally that exert influence on the country’s food security, involve the conceptualization of the right to food, food security and food sovereignty at the global level, as well as international economic frameworks, climate change, and biodiversity. Influenced by such global developments, Thailand's food security policy comprises at least 12 policies/plans, which inevitably leads to complexity and multi-dimensional problems. 2) Civil society plays a pivotal role in the implementation of food security in three ways: Criticism, proposing alternatives to mainstream development, and driving development through various pathways. The role of civil society is linked to various sectors, affecting both public policies and the operational results of its civil action.  3) Four food security scenarios have been envisaged, with scenario 3 being the most probable one to prevail in the real-life context. The researcher proposes ways to enhance Thailand’s food security policy and the effectiveness of civil society actions in the context of food security.

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How to Cite
Pootirat, J. ., Chauythanee, , P. B., & Thitipasitthikorn, P. P. . (2024). THAILAND’S FOOD SECURITY: AN ANALYSIS OF POLICIES, IMPACTS, AND TRENDS. Journal of Liberal Art of Rajamangala University of Technology Suvarnabhumi, 6(3), 757–771. retrieved from
Research Articles


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