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Sarot Kankoon
Sataporn Amornsawadwatana


This article aimed to study: 1) inventory risks in the eyeglass lens industry and 2) factors affecting inventory control in the supply chain system within the eyeglass lens industry and to present an inventory control management model for the eyeglass lens industry during the world crisis. The research was conducted using a mixed methods approach. The samples were selected by risk management using the Risk Exposure Value of Risk Factors, a literature review using the PRISMA method, and a focus group. The instruments for data collection were VOS viewer and percentage analysis using descriptive statistics and content analysis.

The research results were as follows: 1) The eyeglass lens industry’s inventory risk during the global crisis included finished products and raw materials, which had a high risk and required inventory control within 3-4 months on hand (MOH). Molds for eyeglass lenses and sub-materials were at a medium risk level, necessitating the buildup of inventory for 2-3 MOH to support demand. Other inventory items were at a low risk level, requiring monitoring and control within 1.50-2 MOH to support production usage and customer demand.  2) The factors affecting the eyeglass lens industry's supply chain inventory control during the global crisis were: fulfillment inventory and distribution assessment 3) environmental protection 4) fuzzy rules and 5) logistics operations, all of which scored highly and impacted the service level to support customer demand.  After brainstorming with eyeglass supply chain experts, an inventory management model for the eyeglass lens industry's supply chain to prevent risks from global crises was developed. The model is SIMPLE, which stands for safety stock, information integration, methodical decision-making, product life cycle, logistics management, and economic conditions, aimed at reducing risks in the eyeglass lens business.

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How to Cite
Kankoon, S., & Amornsawadwatana, S. . (2024). A NEW INVENTORY MANAGEMENT MODEL OF THE EYEGLASS LENS INDUSTRY SUPPLY CHAIN TO MITIGATE RISKS FROM GOLBAL CRISES . Journal of Liberal Art of Rajamangala University of Technology Suvarnabhumi, 6(3), 817–832. retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/art/article/view/279450
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