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The use of knowledge and resources in production areas as products and services can create a foundation economy and distribute income to communities. This research is a qualitative case study focusing on examining product distribution and the community environment using SWOT to develop marketing strategies. The informants were 15 housewives from the Nong Ya Plong community group that processes fruit and herbal juices, including the group leader, group committee members, and group members, selected through purposive sampling. The research tools were in-depth interviews and record-based SWOT analysis. Data were gathered through informal in-depth interviews and brainstorming sessions and were analyzed using content analysis, data triangulation, and SWOT analysis by averaging and ranking each item in the TOWS Matrix analysis. The results showed that: 1) Regarding the channels and methods of distribution based on the theory of marketing promotion mix, the group communicates information to customers through their Facebook page and village LINE group. There is also word-of-mouth publicity and sales promotions offering discounts on products when a certain amount is purchased. 2) The SWOT analysis of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats, together with the TOWS Matrix analysis, yielded seven marketing strategies, starting with analyzing consumer behavior to use as a guideline for food product development and ending with developing marketing channels with online marketing innovations. The recommendations are to create a mentoring community in order to share experiences in product development and marketing, supported by local authorities, and to leverage community innovators to help improve the group’s operations. This study will serve as a guideline to help increase the potential of communities to create and distribute income within their community.
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