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The purposes of this research were 1) to identify the factors of the proactive recruitment according to the viewpoint of educational personnel, and 2) to verify the factors of the proactive recruitment by the experts. The samples included directors of the educational service area office, directors of personnel management group and school, directors of primary educational service area office, and secondary educational service area office. They were selected by determined based on group matching in the ratio 1:1. There were 300 respondents. The instruments for collecting data were the semi-structured interview, the opinionnaire and the questionnaire to verify the research findings for analysis data by descriptive statistics and content analysis. The statistics used to analyze the data were frequency, percentage, arithmetic mean, standard deviation, exploratory factor analysis, and content analysis. The research design was descriptive research. There was the research plan of study in the form of a single sample group in order to examine the situation without experimentation.
The research results were found as follows: 1) The personnel proactive recruitment consisted of 3 factors 1) preparation for the personnel proactive recruitment consisted of 3 latent variables including 1.1) efficiency development of the personnel proactive recruitment 1.2) guidelines of the personnel proactive recruitment, and 1.3) techniques of the personnel proactive recruitment. 2) Operation of the personnel proactive recruitment consisted of 3 latent variables including 2.1) materials of the personnel proactive recruitment, 2.2) activities of the personnel proactive recruitment 2.3) channel of the personnel proactive recruitment, and 3) Criteria of the personnel proactive recruitment. The total variance was explained by 3 components is 68.618 percentage. Moreover, 2) The factors of the personnel proactive recruitment by the experts in the overall were verified to meet with accuracy standards, propriety standards, feasibility standards, and utility standards.
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