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The purposes of this research were: 1) to investigate the current operational situations of The Nonthaburi Chamber of Commerce's trade cooperation issues and impediments, 2) to explore ideas to address obstacles and hurdles in trade cooperation between the public and private sectors of the Nonthaburi Chamber of Commerce, and 3) to build a management innovation model and promote trade partnership between Nonthaburi Chamber of Commerce's public and private sectors. The research was qualitative. In-depth interviews and focus groups were conducted. There were 35 significant informants.
According to the research findings: 1) Trade cooperation between the public and private sectors of the Nonthaburi Chamber of Commerce had the current operational environment and essential missions across the country including fostering collaboration with all sectors of society (Connect), increasing the country's competitiveness (competitive), and passing down sustainable guidelines to future generations (Sustainable). 2) Nonthaburi Chamber of Commerce guidelines for resolving difficulties and overcoming barriers to trade collaboration between the governmental and private sectors. originating from the external environment was an issue that could not be resolved immediately. Thus, the Chamber of Commerce must be governed, promoted and supported trade to comply with the law in order to promote trade cooperation between the public and private sectors. 3) An innovative management strategy to foster trade cooperation between the Nonthaburi Chamber of Commerce's public and private sectors had developed the commercial network approach of the public and private sectors into an innovative approach for managing trade cooperation between the public and private sectors (CCSGP Model).
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