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The objectives of this research were: 1) to develop an innovative learning training course by using the Design Thinking process for modern mushroom farm operators, 2) to lead an innovative learning training course by using the Design Thinking process for farm operators, and 3) to evaluate and improve the innovative training curriculum by using the Design Thinking process for modern mushroom farm operators. In-depth interviews, small group discussion, and training were conducted. There were 17 key informants and 30 training participants. The research was qualitative data analysis, which consisted of: content analysis based on document research by interpreting and formulating inductive conclusions, data triangulation both theoretical and data-driven components, and utilization of high-quality data analysis methodologies (QDAT Knowledge; 6'C).
The results of the research findings were: 1) curriculum development must be appropriate and could be actualized with principles and management concepts. This was advantageous to farm development for modern entrepreneurs and drafting an innovative learning training course by using the Design Thinking process for modern mushroom farm operators with seven main elements: 1) principles and reasons, 2) objectives of the course, 3) principles of the course, 4) content structure, curriculum 5) training activities 6) media and learning resources, and 7) measurement and evaluation. 2) The competency of the trainees was at a high level. The participants had an aggregate training process score of 378.17, accounting for 80.46 percent. The course created by the researcher had the efficiency process, and the results of the training course were effective (E1/E2) equal to 80.46/80.11, passing the criteria. 80/80, and the participants were satisfied with the comprehensive training course at a high level. 3) The results of the evaluation of the use of the training course had the overall average level at the highest level.
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