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This article aims to. study administrative innovation and military technology. That affects the effectiveness and operational capacity of the army. To study the current direction of management and technology innovation. To guide the development of Thailand's sovereignty. There are the following findings 1) Military innovation and technology 2) Geopolitical factors Geographical problems can use the technology of digging canals to connect the sea or ship-lifting bridges (land bridges) to solve geographic problems that are not consistent with the development of the Thai state's ocean power. But still need to develop Engineering and materials science to support the use of modern technology in correcting existing geopolitical shortcomings 3) Factors in Security policy direction. Technology should be used to help build political mechanisms and create a strong political system. It consists of using artificial intelligence technology to help monitor government work in order to build a strong political system. Including the use of modern innovations to help develop the characteristics of the population 4) Factors in naval power and maritime commerce. Must accelerate the creation of technology and innovation from within the country. There is a systematic ship testing tank. To study the forces acting on the ship's hull and the resistance of the fluid. The knowledge gained from the tests will greatly help the development of related science and technology. It is an important variable that causes the development of technology related to Thailand's ocean power in the future.
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