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The hotel industry is one of the very fast-growing businesses in Thailand. It is a part of the hospitality industry together with other businesses such as tourism and restaurants. The hotel industry generates a tremendous income for Thailand. According to the information from the Tourism Authority of Thailand (TAT), the demand for traveling is still increasing, and the hotel industry could be growing and developing. As the demand increases, more customers will visit the hotel and they require a good standard hotel with great service. Nowadays, the competition of hotel is very fierce then every hotel need to prepare their properties and produce a great service for their customer. This research aimed to investigate the loyalty of customers to the hotel that they stay in via the other 3 variables namely marketing mix 7P, customer satisfaction, and brand trust. The sampling technique in this study applied purposive sampling. The data collection was from filling out the questionnaire, which was distributed to the customers at the hotels in the 4 famous tourist cities in Thailand which are Bangkok, Chiang Mai, Pattaya, and Huahin. The SEM (Structural Equation Modeling) with the help of the AMOS program was used to analyze the data and path analysis. The result showed that marketing mix 7Ps, customer satisfaction, and brand trust were the significant factors that could help to develop customer loyalty to the hotel.
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