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The purposes of the research were: 1) to assess digital technology transfer for tourism by creative communities based on sustainable agriculture, and 2) to promote the acceptance of digital technology for creative community tourism based on sustainable agriculture from stakeholders. This research targeted a specific group. In terms of technology transfer, there were 44 people, while the number of technology evaluators to promote acceptance comprised 65 people. The experimental population and data collection included a group of community representatives living in the community, government officials involved in the development of digital technology, and entrepreneurs involved in community tourism. Statistics used as an evaluation tool included mean and standard deviation. The research results found that 1) digital technology transfer for tourism by creative communities based on sustainable agriculture was at the highest level, with satisfaction arranged from the highest to lowest according to 3 evaluation areas, including the characteristics of the broadcaster in terms of applying knowledge and the transmission process. Further, 2) the results of the evaluation for digital technology acceptance to promote tourism with digital technology by creative communities based on sustainable agriculture involved 5 stages as follows: Knowledge stage, which had overall analysis results at the highest level, Persuasion stage, which had overall analysis results at the highest level, Decision stage, which had overall analysis results at the highest level, Trial stage, which had analysis results at the highest level, and Confirmation stage, which had overall analysis results at the highest level. Thus, all analysis results were found to be at the highest level.
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