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The aims of this research were; 1) to study the impact for span of age on personal financial planning behavior; 2) to study behavioral characteristics of personal financial planning in each span of age. It was a mixed method research, the sample consisted of 500 people living in 8 provinces in the upper northern region by using accidental sampling. The quantitative research sample consisted of 400 people, and data were collected from questionnaires and used multiple regression statistics to find the impact for span of age range on personal financial planning behavior. The qualitative research sample consisted of 100 people used the projective technique by a cartoon test for collecting data and analyzed the data by using the content analysis. The quantitative research results investigated that each span of ages had a positive effect personal financial planning behavior. The start working age (22-30 years old) paid more attention to income management of personal financial planning. The family building age (31-40 years old) emphasized determined financial goals, and savings of personal financial planning. The stable working age (41-55 years old) focused on liability management of personal financial planning and total of personal financial. The retirement age (over 55 years old) concerned more about expense management in personal financial planning. Moreover, the results of qualitative research can be confirmed that each span age range had different personal financial planning behaviors.
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