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This research used a mixed methodology to answer three research objectives: 1) to develop indicators of factors affecting the behavior of using fresh market services of Bangkok residents, 2) to analyze the components of factors affecting the behavior of using fresh market services of Bangkok residents, and 3) to assess the structural validity and discriminant validity of the model measuring factors affecting the behavior of using fresh market services of Bangkok residents. Qualitative research was conducted first by interviewing 12 key informants to obtain indicators of factors affecting Bangkok residents' use of fresh market service behavior. It was later quantitative research by collecting data from those who consume by multi-stage sampling from 3 large fresh markets in Bangkok, totaling 895 people. The data collection tool is a questionnaire that has been qualitatively determined for validity and reliability. After that, statistical analysis was performed, namely mean, standard deviation, skewness, kurtosis, exploratory factor analysis, and confirmatory factor analysis.
The results of the research revealed that the components of factors affecting the behavior of using fresh market services of Bangkok residents consisted of 9 components and 39 indicators, namely (1) product price, (2) product quality, (3) trader's courteousness, (4) Environmental hygiene, (5) restroom management, (6) vendor communication, (7) waste management, (8) stall hygiene, and (9) parking facilities. All nine components were consistent with empirical data through structural validity assessment and discriminative validity. This shows that these elements can be used to measure consumer satisfaction towards fresh markets, leading to management that responds to consumer needs well.
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