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The hospitality industry is one of the very important industries to generate income for Thailand. As Thailand has so many famous tourist attractions such as beautiful beaches, mountains, temples, archeological sites, and so on. The hotel business is one of the main businesses to support the hospitality industry. There are many hotels in Thailand that are ready for tourists and visitors to choose and stay. However, as the number of tourists visiting Thailand has significantly increased, the number of hotels has expanded and the competition is very high and fierce. Customers expected to receive a good and high standard of service. This research focused on the level of customer brand trust in the hotel in Thailand via other 2 factors: service marketing mix 7Ps and customer satisfaction as a mediator. The data was collected from customers who stayed at the hotels in 4 main tourist cities in Thailand (Bangkok, Pattaya, Hua Hin, and Chiang Mai province). A total number of 435 participations gave their opinion on this study. Structural equation modeling (SEM) was used to analyze the data. Later on, the conceptual framework of this study was presented to explain the relationship between each variable. Results showed that the service marketing mix 7Ps plays an important role and influenced the brand trust of the hotel while customer satisfaction is a significant mediator that strongly influenced the service marketing mix 7Ps and brand trust. This research suggested hotel owners and management focus on the quality of their hotel conditions and services to increase customer satisfaction because a high level of customer satisfaction is a high chance of trust including positive profitability and positive performance of the business.
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