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The topic of leadership effectiveness remains in the organization and can direct the organizational performance. With the innovative economy, it has become more important to enhance the development of effective teams to meet customer satisfaction. While the team feels fun (no pressure/ dispute, a good climate) at work by employing psychological safety mediator, it can be defined as one’s openness and involvement in the job to see the influence of Leader-member exchange on Workplace fun. This study attempted to investigate the influence of Leader-Member Exchange (LMX) on Workplace Fun mediating Psychological Safety. The study used a sample selection of 250 full-time employees in Fulfilment Service Warehouse, Samut Prakan province, Thailand. Data were collected by online questionnaires measuring those constructs with good reliability and validity confirming with Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) or the covariance-based structural equation model (CB-SEM) and Confirmatory Composite Analysis (CCA) or the partial least square structural equation model (PLS-SEM). The findings revealed a positive association between LMX and Workplace Fun and confirmed the assumptions on the moderating role of Psychological Safety having a high correlation with Workplace Fun. It fully mediated the relationship between CFA and CCA. The results pointed out the importance of considering the interplay of both the LMX and Psychological Safety to increase employees’ Workplace Fun, enhance their work performance and easily manage employees’ perspectives on the element of workplace culture.
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