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At the end of 2019, there was an outbreak of a new strain of virus in Wuhan, China, which is a country with a large population. A sample of the virus from the patient was later analyzed in a laboratory and was identified as "Corona virus". The situation of the coronavirus disease 2019 is considered to be a crucial part of managing and driving the country at the same time. The government is considered as an important person in performing duties according to the 2017 Constitution of the Kingdom of Thailand, which has measures to regulate policies. Government agencies played an important role in the management of the coronavirus disease 2019. Measures from both public and private sectors as well as various agencies were parts that helped the government to fully perform its state duties according to the constitution. This article aims to explain the application of the principles of public administration theories, especially in managing the COVID-19 situation. Indeed, administration is the science that deals with management in the public sector by integrating knowledge across many areas and fields of study. It has the characteristics of applied social science that allow administrators to be able to work efficiently. Management of the COVID-19 situation requires effective cooperation from both the government and citizens in working, managing, and dealing with the spread of the coronavirus 2019. The government, private sector, and all parts of medical personnel were an important force in preventing and driving the country through this serious outbreak crisis.
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