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This article aimed to develop the model of art experiences management based on teaching artistic behaviors and design thinking concepts to enhance executive function for kindergarteners. This research is a part of research and development. Target group was K3 in school under Office of Private Education Commission. The research was divided into 2 stages: (1) stage of development on model of art experiences management, the informants were 11 experts, who used purposive selection, to check the quality and suitability and (2) stage of trial on model of art experiences management with a sample of kindergarteners, informants were 5 kindergarteners and a teacher. The purposive selection method was used whereas the research tools were: 1) selection form of art objects for kindergarteners; 2) assessment form for content validity of the model of art experiences management; 3) learning experience plan; 4) interview form for teachers' opinions toward the model of art experiences management; 5) report after teaching; and 6) self-monitoring form of kindergarteners. Data analysis was conducted with content analysis method.
The results were found as follows; 1) the model of art experiences management had 3 stages, namely: inspire, share, and do. The quality and suitability analysis results showed that the developed model had a high quality and suitability that passed the specified criteria; (2) The results of the trial using the model found that after using the model of art experiences management, kindergarteners' executive function tends to increase. The developed model of art experiences management can be used to provide learning experiences practically and effectively.
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