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๋Jariya Supun
Nuchnard Ratanasuwongchai
Rattanaphon Chuenka


This research paper is a qualitative research with the objectives to  (1) survey and collect local tales to develop creative tourism stories and activities at creative tourism destinations in Chainat, Singburi, and Lopburi provinces;  (2) use the knowledge management concept to develop creative tourism stories and activities at creative tourism destinations in the three provinces; and (3) present knowledge management guidelines to develop creative tourism stories and activities at creative tourism destinations in Chainat, Singburi, and Lopburi provinces. The data collecting was conducted through in-depth interview, participant observation and brainstorming meeting.  The data were analyzed by data type classification and theoretical event analysis. The study areas were communities, local entrepreneurs. and creative tourist attractions in Chainat, Singburi and Lopburi, in total 14 places. The results showed that all 14 studied areas had 57 local knowledges and stories that can be developed or extended. Such knowledge and stories can be divided into 6 groups: 1) history/myths, 2) lifestyles and beliefs, 3) food wisdom, 4) agricultural/herbal wisdom, 5) identity of local products, and 6) nearby landmarks that are connected to the 14 research areas. Extending or utilizing local knowledge can be carried out in 3 ways: 1) creating a short story or tale, 2) developing a creative tourism activity, and 3) creating a tale while taking a tour of the place or leading an activity. Tales and creative tourism activities can be developed by using a four-step knowledge management process: 1) identifying knowledge based on the needs stakeholder groups, 2) seeking knowledge, 3) creating and extracting knowledge, and 4) collecting knowledge in the form of websites and manuals for preparation for becoming a creative tourist destination.

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How to Cite
Supun ๋., Ratanasuwongchai, N., & Chuenka, R. . (2022). KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT FOR DEVELOPING CREATIVE TOURISM STORY AND ACTIVITIES IN CHAINAT, SINGBURI AND LOPBURI PROVINCES. Journal of Liberal Art of Rajamangala University of Technology Suvarnabhumi, 4(3), 560–574. Retrieved from
Research Articles


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