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This research aimed 1) to enhance competency-based courses skills of online products selling in form of knowledge and 2) to evaluate the appropriateness of competency-based courses to enhance skills in selling products online. This research is qualitative research. The tools used to collect the data were competency-based courses on skill enhancement for selling products online, competency-based course correspondence evaluation form, evaluation form for competency-based training courses consisting of opinion questionnaire before training, evaluation form for “evaluators” from oral inquiries, observation methods and practical skills and the performance results of the trainer. Statistics Aused in data analysis were the correspondence between the questionnaire and the objective or content and the percentage.
The results showed that 1) A competency-based course to enhance the skills of selling products online was appropriate and can be used for training. The consistency index was at 0.60 - 1.00.; 2) The results of the qualitative performance skills assessment from the actual work experience training during the training of 30 trainees showed that the trainees had the performance skills that meet the assessment criteria and 3) 30 trainees have both passed and failed the assessment in 11 units of competency that correspond to the assigned workload.
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