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This article is an introduction to analyze the personality of female activists through text in Indian movie Gangubai Kathiawadi based on the review outline of the theory of personality. This volume provided 1) definition of woman activist: The film's reflection on the nature of the pre-female human activist 2) negotiating to the influence of genetics 3) the personality development of a 16-year-old 4) factors affecting personality 5)special human characteristics beings inherent in female activists 6) the results of personality development after a person has faced and overcome obstacles. It was found that the female activist’s personalities developed through the reluctance for self-training to have the courage to demand justice even in a society full of value reduction in sex workers. This analyzed the concepts behind all personality theories through case studies. New knowledge gained from studying the personality of women activists through this review of the anthropological and sociological theories. Furthermore, this would be a guideline for studying the importance of the cultural context in creating identity with the use of anthropological and sociological concepts other than gender in the fight against unfair legal powers to invite readers to question the reasons for women's need to break free from pressure, social norms, and customs
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