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Pitchayapha Sorat
Noppadol Amnuaypornlert
Kanokwatt Shiangjen


This research had the objective to study the level of opinion on factors affecting the decision to choose to study in the bachelor's degree in University of Phayao. Academic Year 2022. The sample group was 453 first year students of Phayao University, Academic Year 2022 chosen by simple random sampling using the Taro Yamane formula at 97% confidence level. The tool used in the study was a 5-sided assessment questionnaire, including 23 factors, with an IOC = .95 value. The data was collected by having the Faculty/College distribute and collect questionnaires. Descriptive statistics, mean and standard deviation were used.  The research represented that decision factors for bachelor degree study in the academic year of 2022 ranging from high to low were an institution with high impact of an arithmetic mean of 3.91 followed by public relation scheme ( = 3.88) , curriculum and management ( = 3.85) and services ( = 3.78) in which well-being and facilities ranged the least with a mean of 3.53.  In terms of decision making factors for University of Phayao, respondents ranged gorgeous scenery and breathtaking atmosphere as their first priority with a mean of 4.42 runnered up by career opportunities provided by the university ( = 4.22), profession and expertise of academic staff ( = 4.16), cutting-edge equipment and facilities ( = 4.01), well acceptance by employers both from government and private sectors ( = 3.79), acceptability by societies ( = 3.08), respectively. The conclusion from this sresearch providedinsight analysis information for decision making factors justified by students for applying for their undergraduate studies. The data could be useful for planning and management in order to suit the needs of targeted future students.

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How to Cite
Sorat, P., Amnuaypornlert, N., & Shiangjen, K. . (2022). OPINION LEVELS TOWARD DECISION FACTORS FOR ACCEPTANCE TO UNDERGRADUATE STUDY AT UNIVERSITY OF PHAYAO IN AN ACADEMIC YEAR OF 2022. Journal of Liberal Art of Rajamangala University of Technology Suvarnabhumi, 4(3), 499–511. retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/art/article/view/262360
Research Articles


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